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BTP Information Station

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Screen - BTP RGB.png is the amazing website with lots of details!  Click on the BTP Logo to get there!

Important Info for Michigan Pathfinders going to Gillette

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Camping Area

Your designated camping area will be calculated on the total number of tickets you purchased on the CYE website.  We are allotting 125 sq feet per ticket sold.  We try to proportion the lot as close to the shape of a square as possible, but many times it will be a rectangular shape.   You may bring whatever you want to put on that site...You may not go outside of the lines drawn, including the air space above your line.  This includes tent stakes. When pitching along your camp site border, picture that your are setting up in a cube...then everyone will be happy.

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Ticket Exchange

Click <HERE> to access the list of clubs selling and needing tickets in the Michigan Conference.

We, the Youth Department, will facilitate the list of ticket needs, but you will need to contact the people directly to make the transaction.  My experience has proven that tickets for sale start to surface in the late Spring, so do not get discouraged if there is no action during January / February.


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This year we have no electricity in our camping area.

You may bring a generator with a decible level of 60db at 5 feet away.  Your generator will provide the decible level.

Pastor Craig does not have any campsite with electicity available to use for Area coordinators, people with C-Pap machines or himself, etc.

If you need power for medical needs during the night, we urge you to get a battery powered unit to assist with its operation.

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Campfires and Cooking

No campfires are allowed.  No charcoal cookers or wood burning fires are permitted. Only cooking with gas or propane-type camp stoves is permitted. A fire extinguisher must be kept in each cooking area.

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Shopping and Laundry

There are many local stores for food, clothing and camping supplies.  CLICK <HERE> for the updated list from the camporee

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Teens Safety (Kids Too)

Teens who are allowed to go without an adult, should be with a group at all times. There is safety in numbers. Set up meeting places and times to meet during the day to reconnect and check everyone’s health.

Always have an adult or TLT with your kids. Travel in groups.

When going to bathroom at night - Kids need a TLT or an adult.  Teens need a buddy with them.

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Trading Pins

We will have a Michigan Trading pin once again this year.  We will follow the tradition of each Conference Area having a different color of pin with a Multi-Color (Rainbow) pin for the Area Coordinators. 

There is also a Lake Union Pin that you may order.

We will keep the cost as low as possible but provide a very nice pin.

We will ask for our pin orders in January/February.



We will have a Michigan Conference shirt and a Lake Union Shirt to wear this year

Of course, the shirts are optional. It is a lot of fun for us to be in our "colors" on special days!

The shirts will be different than before - more soccer style shirts.  Probably $12-15 per shirt.

We will be sending an order form for shirts in February/March.

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Map of Camporee Site

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If you have a pathfinder that would like to get baptized at the camporee, CLICK <HERE>

It will be a great experience as they plan to hold the baptisms in the "River Nile" in front of the main stage

This form is important to fill out for the registration process.

If the local pastor will not be at the camporee, Pastor Craig and others are happy to baptize the pathfinder.

Please note that no baptisms for Michigan clubs will be done at Camporee without parental and local pastor consent.


Master Guide

They are still fine tuning the registration process for those candidates wanting to be invested at Camporee.

We do know one thing, all of the Master Guide investitures will be filtered through the local Conference.

In Michigan, we require each candidate to first complete their Master Guide and then schedule a MG Review session with either Pastor Craig or an Area Coordinator.

If you plan to be invested as a Master Guide at the International Camporee - PLEASE REGISTER <HERE>

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Special Events

There are a number of special events that take place at the Camporee. These don’t happen every day so check this page to find the dates and time!

Don't miss out on the Opportunity to participate in the Guinness World record events.  The Great Ball contraptions is something you do before you come.  It is very fun for those with engineering and cool contraption building capabilities!


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Gillette Info Document

This document contains details that will be helpful for you as you plan for activities, honors, etc for Gillette.  All of this information came directly from the website.

Many thanks to Brandon Lamore, Director of the Grand Rapids Rangers, who compiled this document.

"We are the Pathfinders strong. The servants of God are we.  Faithful as we march along, in kindness, truth, and purity.  A message to tell to the world.  A truth that will set us free.  King Jesus the Savior is coming back, for you and me."

Henry Bergh

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